We will fetch data from the database without refreshing the webpage. Here’s how I did it. The "welcome.php" looks like this: So let's get started, but before you read the last post, you can read it here. Is it possible to select and display data by id? Below I have shared the Connection codes in PHP… The following HTML code that and passes the information to a PHP script: The all_records.php file is used for displaying records from the database.. On submit, a PHP code is called to insert the data and to display MySQL data in an HTML table. The SELECT statement is used to select data from one or more tables: SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name or we can use the * character to select ALL columns from a table: SELECT * FROM table_name To learn more about SQL, please visit our SQL tutorial. Here, we create a simple HTML form. PHP Quick Tip: Someone asked me how to display image from database in PHP. In this file, we are using select and option property for displaying data. These few simple steps to fetch data from the database in PHP and display in HTML tables. In this Php Tutorial we will Learn How To Find Data In MySQL Database Table By Id And Show The Results In Form Inputs In Php using MySQLI . The data should be fetched by the id and display. The session variables are used to display logged in user information in PHP. I will continue and extend this project here on wards. See inside code here we implement query to fetch an image from MySQL database. First let us download the required JavaScript libraries: … Displaying records in PHP from MySQL table Displaying data from a table is a very common requirement and we can do this in various ways depending on the way it is required. I am taking my previous example of insert data. The SQL SELECT statement is used to select the records from database tables. Demo. Create a Database. For example - id name . Is it possible to fetch specific data row and display a single row in PHP? Welcome to a tutorial on how to search and display results from the database using PHP and MySQL. As well as, have some examples. The first approach is directly echoing everything into your webpage. On submit, a PHP code is called to insert the data and to display MySQL data in an HTML table. Please note that I used BLOB data type for storing my images, it can handle up to 64KiB of data. To write the jQuery Script we should open