This rounded, medium-sized shade tree is a favorite for planting in Texas soils. Along with black gum and dogwood, you can add this plant to the list of trees that feed wild birds with their berries. With it comes the magic of fall, the lower temperatures and cool-weather festivities for everyone to share. If you are looking for tips on how to grow your very own gingko tree, please visit, 5 Tips on Planting Gingko Trees. Grown in zones 4 to 10, the baldcypress is the southernmost-reaching tree for fall color. Creamy cheesecakes, decadent pies, moist cakes and mouthwatering cookies are among our best holiday dessert recipes. While game-day, apple picking, and chilled weather are a few advantages to fall, so is planting the right color changing tree. Most types grow 10 to 25 feet, but 'Crimson Queen' Japanese maple is a dwarf type favored by lovers of weeping trees. Later in the year, 'Laciniata' (shown here) displays wonderful red, yellow, or orange fall color and attractive clusters of red fruit. They're green or burgundy, full or deeply cut and always colorful in autumn. Fall's most common leaf colors are red, yellow, and orange. The honeylocust typically produces bright yellow fall foliage, but the 'Sunburst' cultivar is even more interesting because its leaves feature a touch of green mixed into the yellow. Not much beats the vibrant scarlet color this maple displays in autumn. These trees will also provide spring color, shade, privacy, and wildlife habitat. Click to discover the 6 Best Small Trees for Fall Color. Birds appreciate the bright red berries that appear late in the year. Kousa dogwood, also known as Chinese dogwood, will bring the traditional blooms in spring that make the species popular. Trees all over are shedding their summer greens and bringing in their vibrant reds, oranges and yellows. Called “one of the best and most consistent native trees for fall color” by tree expert Michael … There are a wide variety of Japanese maple trees, which all yield different colors of fall foliage. Red maple (Acer rubrum): A common tree, but for good reason. One of the greatest things about fall is nature’s spectacular color show! The purple-leaf sand cherry is a large shrub often trained as a small tree. Japanese maples tend to grow smaller, which make them a great addition to a container garden. The leaves have a unique fan shape and turn yellow in fall. The Spruce uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Not only do we get to enjoy the bright color of the leaves in fall, but the samaras (the winged fruit) provide food for squirrels and birds too! Cutleaf sumac offers year round garden interest— for those gardens who can take its large size and rapid spreading. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. An Asian cousin to our native persimmon, Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki) is quite simply the prettiest and easiest to grow of all fruit trees. It has blackish fruits that are a favorite food of birds. Menu. The river birch's best feature is not its fall color, but rather its fascinating peeling bark, which is there for you to enjoy during winter, spring, summer, and fall. Silvery-gray bark gives winter interest. Best fall plant plant for autumn color around! The gumballs produced by the sweetgum is of interest to those interested in crafts, as they can be used in wreaths, kissing balls, and other projects. 5 Trees for Fall Color (Zones 8 and up!) Ohio State University. The changing color of leaves is one of the best performances of fall. The leaves turn green as they mature, then become orange in autumn. Homeowners concerned about poison sumac should have no fear—there are many types of sumac that are free from the urushiol toxin that causes skin rashes and other problems (though those allergic to poison sumac should still be cautious around them). The non-poisonous kinds can be considered potential landscape trees because they provide splendid autumn foliage and are easy to grow. In warmer zones many trees don’t start to color up and then lose their leaves until November or even December. Apple serviceberry is a small tree or large-multi-stemmed shrub with white or pink flowers that appear in spring, before the young purple leaves appear. However, beech trees have two notable advantages when it comes to fall foliage: They change color later in the season, and they hold their leaves for a longer period of time. Like black gum, dogwoods bear fruit that is eaten by wild birds. Now you’re probably thinking about maple syrup and pancakes (yum). If you click on these links, I may receive a commission at no cost to you. All Rights Reserved. Here are 12 types of deciduous trees that provide both great autumn color and have at least one other notable feature. The flowers are larger than on other serviceberries. Native to southwestern Oklahoma, it is drought resistant, but should always be planted in well drained soils. By using The Spruce, you accept our, Discover 12 Excellent Shrubs and Vines for Fall Color, 18 Yellow-Flowering Plants for Your Garden, 11 Great Fragrant Trees for Your Landscape, 15 Red-Flowering Plants to Consider for Your Garden, 6 Best Perennial Flowering Vines and Climbers, 10 Best Deer-Resistant Shrubs for Landscaping, 15 Recommended Flowering Shrubs for Your Home, 14 Best Fall-Blooming Flowers for Your Perennial Garden. inermis 'Suncole'), American Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), Purple-Leaf Sand Cherry (Prunus × cistena). Mature specimens have a rounded shape. In early summer, it produces cone-shaped clusters of greenish yellow flowers. Its fall color is an attractive greenish-bronze, making this a tree with excellent year-round interest. Consider what type of tree you want to see in your yard this fall, and what pigmentation most intrigues you. This tree prefers shade, and requires careful attention until established. Bill Marken January 11, 1970. They fade to russet brown and remain on the tree through the winter, dropping the following spring as new leaves grow. Name: Viburnum Growing Conditions: Sun to part shade and moist, well-drained soil To add a little orange/gold color to your landscape, the sugar maple is a sure bet. A garden-scale tree with a rounded canopy; narrow leaflets give it a lacy appearance. The leaves change to yellow in the fall; 'Emerald' is adapted to hot climates and has reliable yellow fall color. Our certified arborists can assist you in choosing the right tree for your fall color … This tree likes well drained soils but can take wet clay, sand or can survive in slight drought. Within the Acer genus, the sugar maples (Acer sacharum) offer the unique benefit of sap that can be tapped and boiled down to make delicious maple syrup. Growing 30 to 50 feet, this is another tree with excellent tolerance for wet soil, even adapting to standing water. This a hybrid form of cherry that is somewhat short-lived, with 10 to 15 years as the typical lifespan. Landscape Sumacs are not poisonous like, well like poison sumac. Several species of the Carya genus of hickory trees exhibit attractive golden brown fall color, but the shagbark hickory also has bark that exfoliates and peels in long strips that give the tree great winter interest. One cultivar, tricolor beech (F. sylvatica 'Tricolor'), has colorful variegated leaves that are attractive in spring and summer, as well as in fall. It reaches 50 to 60 feet tall and 25 to 30 feet wide. American cranberry bush is most comfortable in light shade, and forms a dense, rounded outline about 10 feet tall and wide. However, this specimen also has beautiful pinkish-white flowers in spring, leading to blackish-blue fruit that attracts birds in late summer. American hophornbeam is a handsome yet underused rounded tree with hard wood. 5 Trees for Fall Color (Zones 8 and up!) Give your home holiday style in a flash with these simple yet creative decorating projects. Dogwood trees such as flowering dogwood (C. florida) and Japanese dogwood (C. kousa) boast terrific spring interest on account of the flowers they bear, while red-twig dogwood (C. sericea) has bright red stems that provide winter interest. This species of hickory also provides edible nuts, and its wood is excellent as fuel for smoking meats or for use in furniture. Add exciting color to your autumn garden with these easy-to-grow trees and shrubs. If you are not a crafty person, though, you might want to choose a cultivar that doesn't produce the messy gumballs. It’s one of my favorite trees for fall color, and it’s a native southeastern tree. If you would prefer something with fall color, right now is the best time to plant these trees with autumn hues, which includes beautiful deciduous trees! The spring-blooming flat clusters of white flower that are up to 6 inches wide. Midwest Living is part of the Meredith Home Group. Black Gum (Nyssa sylvatica) David Beaulieu. They're also slow growing, topping out usually at around 15-20 feet depending on … Japanese maples like part sun and well-drained, slightly acidic soil. Best Trees for Fall Color Posted by Fallon on October 17, 2019 October 16, 2019 One of the things we all love about Fall is the glorious display of color that the trees put on. Give us a call at (877) 454-8733 or request a free quote here. It’s not picky about soil, as long as it’s well-drained. Two species of beech, American beech (Fagus grandifolia) and European beech (F. sylvatica), also have attractive gray bark that adds winter interest. 'White Tigress' striped bark maple is a small, bushy tree with unique white striped green bark. Black Tupelo; Nyssa sylvatica. This Maple variety stands up to the cold, by withstanding the fre… Home. Maples, oaks, and sassafras are just some of the many native trees that make a good show. It reaches 20 to 25 feet tall. If you grow trees with beautiful fall color, you can clip small leaf-filled branches for easy arrangements, wreaths, swags, or window boxes. Beech trees grow to a mature height of 20 to 80 feet, depending on the variety. Many varieties of Japanese maple trees boast colorful leaves not just in autumn, but during other seasons as well. In fall, the baldcypress tree’s short needles change from green to a reddish, rusty color, making it unique among conifers, which do not usually turn in autumn. Fall Shrubs and Trees Fall Sumac. The catkin flowers persist into winter, as does the fruit, a nutlet that resembles hops and attracts birds. Growing 30 to 50 feet, this is another tree with excellent tolerance for wet soil, even adapting to standing water. Chinese pistache. For best results, consult with an expert at a reputable tree … Garden Design Containers Garden Tips Plant Perfect Edibles Life & Style View All. Make sure you’ve got room for it though; red maples grow quickly and eventually reach 60 feet tall and 25 to 35 feet wide. Sugar Maples also grow into large shade trees by reaching heights of 55 to 75 feet, with a spread of 30 to 50 feet. At that size, it makes a great shade tree. All of these trees display beautiful yellow leaves in autumn. Closing the season with a bang, gray-black branches snake through clouds of yellow and burnt orange leaves in a fall scene that is a familiar herald of the coming winter and entirely miraculous. Green ash is an adaptable, fast-growing shade tree. It combines sweet, non-puckering fruit the color and size of tomatoes with glossy foliage that turns bright red in fall. Sawtooth oak leaves provide yellow color in the fall. Adding to the beauty of the fall color is the shininess of the leaves. 10. Sumac The classic paper birch displays bark with white color, while yellow birch offers an interesting golden bark. Ginkgo biloba is a slow-growing, majestic shade tree, eventually growing to 80 feet tall and wide. Photo by: Paul Rezendes. Click ahead for some of the West's best trees for fall color ― and easy decorating ideas. Published on Sep 1, 2018 TSU Extension Agent Joellen Dimond gives a list of trees she thinks have the best fall color. Being able to listen to and admire the sound is an added benefit to growing this plant. Growing 7 to 15 feet tall and wide, burning bush has rounded, horizontal-branching, vase-shaped habit, making it well-suited to use as an unclipped hedge or screen, in a shrub border, or simply as a specimen plant for its spectacular display. A particularly good viburnum species for fall color is native cranberrybush, named for the eye-catching, edible ruby-red fruits that follow white spring flowers. Sumac can spread aggressively unless supervised. Birds generally get to the fruit before anyone else has a chance. You can plant spicebush in part shade if you like, but you’ll get the best fall color – a showy display of bright yellow leaves – if you put it in a spot that gets full sun. Bushes and shrubs flocked in a fiery red or bright yellow. Different types of maples display brilliant yellow, red, orange, or burgundy fall colors, and the color of an individual tree can sometimes vary from year to year. Other birches have a weeping form. You may not get such a spectacular show every autumn, but when you do, you will revel in the mixture of colors: red, orange, purple, gold, yellow, and green. Sweetgum trees typically grow to be 60 to 80 feet tall with large leaves that make for good shade trees. Add Fall Colors to Your Lawn. *This post contains affiliate links. Houzz Contributor. Gingkos – These trees will add the perfect pop of yellow to your yard in the fall. The green-leaved Japanese maples have the best fall foliage color, as you can see in the photo, but the burgundy varieties aren't too shabby, taking on a brighter hue of red. The melanocarpa variety is more compact than the species, topping out at about 20 feet. The spectacular scarlet fall color is just one great feature of the black gum tree (sometimes known as tupelo). It is my favorite time of year, I love see all the leaves on the trees changing color. Doublefile viburnum has a horizontal habit with tiered branching that creates a layered effect and gives winter interest. Sawtooth Oak. Pin oak trees have bronze or red leaves in the autumn. As an additional benefit, this tough customer is a good street tree, tolerant of drought, road salt, and pollution. Smooth sumac (Rhus glabra) and staghorn sumac (R. typhina) are the most common landscape varieties, both growing 10 to 15 feet tall. ●Red maple (Acer rubrum): The sugar maple is the poster tree for fall color, but it is likely to be stressed by the heat and humidity of the Mid-Atlantic unless you're in the mountains. Chinese Pistache (Pistacia chinensis) One of the earlier tree species to change color in our climate, foliage of Chinese Pistache changes from yellow to brilliant red. Now, enjoy the painted leaf landscape in your own yard by planting consistently vibrant trees. This species is popular for Japanese garden designs and with aficionados of the art of bonsai. It matures from a pyramidal habit to an open, spreading habit. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, The Spruce Gardening & Plant Care Review Board, The Spruce Renovations and Repair Review Board, 'Sunburst' Honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos var. American sweetgum can be as colorful in fall as any tree—at least when climate and conditions cooperate. Choose a male plant, because females bear a fruit that smells extremely unpleasant once they are about 20 years old. In summer, the bright red fruits change to black and attract birds. Here are 8 of our favorite trees for fall color. Create bountiful outdoor winter arrangements with a little help from Mother Nature. In size, dogwoods range from dwarf shrubs to small trees growing to about 25 feet tall, depending on species and cultivar. The shagbark hickory grows 70 to 90 feet tall and provides plenty of shade. 2 of 7. As an added benefit, river birch trees—which grow to 40 to 70 feet tall—tolerate wet areas better than many other plants. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Growing 7 to 15 feet tall and wide, burning bush has rounded, horizontal-branching, vase-shaped habit, making it well-suited to use as an unclipped hedge or screen, in a shrub border, … This tree makes a great street tree. For example, a particular type of tree might be excellent at tolerating urban street conditions or a maple tree might also be a great source of sap for making syrup. Fall is a magical time of year. Read our, The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. During the summer, the finely cut foliage stays attractive. Smooth Sumac (Rhus glabra). It has brilliant orange red, long lasting fall color and is fast growing. In the fall, the leaves turn from green to pale yellow. Growing 40 to 80 feet, sugar maples are relatively slow-growing trees with large leaves that are good as yard or street trees. It also has golden-yellow foliage in the spring, which then transitions to deep green in the summer before returning to golden yellow in fall. © Copyright 2020 Meredith Corporation. Sumac is a small landscape tree that has spectacular autumn color. Science, Tech, Math Science Math ... 10 Best Fall Color Forest Views in the US and Canada. Vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow leaves dangling from the trees. American cranberry bush produces flat, white flower clusters in spring, and attractive red foliage in the fall. Although they can tolerate light shade, Amur maple trees achieve their best fall color if you make an effort to ensure they get full sun. Beech trees and shagbark hickory trees have several things in common: lovely yellow-golden leaves in fall, beautiful bark, and edible nuts. The attractive orange or gray bark peels off in long strips. By the time fall comes around the leaves will turn a gorgeous orange red or yellow. Many folks sell dogwood short when it comes to its fall color, but the foliage is quite attractive, with colors ranging from orange to reddish-purple. It’s definitely the top choice if you’re interested in harvesting your own sap. These types of picturesque trees lose their leaves once a year, and besides their vibrant show of leaves, they also provide year-long benefits to any yard. Burning bush is a deciduous shrub that is popular for its brilliant scarlet fall color. David Beaulieu is a garden writer with nearly 20 years experience writing about landscaping and over 10 years experience working in nurseries. Unlike other honeylocust trees, it is thornless and seedless. 10 Best Trees for Brilliant Fall Color Every year thousands travel to experience the golden fall foliage of the New England countryside. The dark green leaves are pale and fuzzy on the underside and turn yellow in the fall. The dark green foliage emerges early and changes to a reddish-purple in fall. So, you should know that the Sugar Maple gets its name by having the sweetest sap out of all of the maple trees. Quaking aspens also have an attractive, smooth whitish-colored bark that offers year-round interest. During the summer, its red berries attract birds. It tolerates heat, pollution, and a range of soil pH. In other words, don't settle for foliage that is spectacular only in fall, when you could have one that also offers colorful spring flowers or fruit that feeds birds in summer. The trees grow to 20 to 50 feet at maturity. 'Sunburst' grows to about 35 feet. Maple trees are the royals of the fall foliage world in North America. It does not like excessive drought or moisture, and it will not grow well in hot dry climates. Dive in to check out our top picks for a fabulous Midwest getaway. River birch is a colorful tree in the fall, but to stop there would be to shortchange it. Enjoying the fall colors of Michigan can be as easy as looking out your back window. The colorful fall foliage of quaking aspen is almost synonymous with autumn in the American West, but the proclivity of its leaves to tremble in the breeze is as famous as its golden-yellow color. Tourists, who are dubbed "leaf peepers," sometimes drive hundreds of miles to locations such as the White Mountains of New Hampshire to witness the magnificent fall foliage displays. The effort will pay off handsomely; their fall foliage color is a brilliant red or occasionally yellow. The spectacular scarlet fall color is just one great feature of the black gum tree (sometimes known as tupelo). Deciduous trees have unique autumn leaf colors that are specific to every species. If you are buying a black gum tree intending to achieve optimal fall color in your landscape, select the 'Autumn Cascades' cultivar, which has a weeping growth habit. It is aptly named, as the reddish-purple foliage is consistent throughout the summer. It offers small white flowers in spring; in the fall, it sports leaves in shades of red plus black, 1/2-inch fruit. This is a fall plant that is a four season show, as its attractive berries hang on through winter. Decorate your home, make a gift or create an ornament with our 40 ideas for fun and easy Christmas crafts. One of the best things about this tree is its beautiful yellow fall color. It averages 25 to 40 feet in height and about 10 to 25 feet wide. I grew up with a love for California's valleys, hills, and mountains -- and native plants. A number of deciduous trees offer spectacular fall color—but fall is only one season of the year, and the best landscape trees will offer something of notable value for other seasons, too. River birch may be one of the more popular birch trees used in landscaping in North America but consider other types of birch, too. In addition to the spectacular fall color, sumac has been used for culinary purposes, for erosion control, and as a windbreak. Top 5 Trees for Fall Color in California Bring a glorious sight to the landscape this autumn with one of these beauties that thrive in mild climates. Here at PPM Tree and Arbor Care, we offer services like tree planting, pruning, trimming, and removal so you can make sure your trees are getting the best care possible. Black chokecherry is a small tree, growing to 30 feet, or a large shrub. Smoketree – This shrub can be pruned into a small tree that will start its show with yellow flowers in June. Trees for Fall Color The following trees are listed according to the coldest climate in which they will grow. Caddo Maple (Acer saccharum ‘Caddo’) is 40-60 feet at maturity and its brilliant red to red-orange fall color makes it one of the showiest trees. The finely lobed leaves of Japanese maple are especially attractive from a close distance. 50 Quick and Easy Holiday Decorating Ideas, Midwest Living November/December 2020 Recipes. Burning bush is a deciduous shrub that is popular for its brilliant scarlet fall color. FALL COLOR SHOW – BEST ZONE 5 & 6 TREES AND SHRUBS. Our favorite Midwest resort destinations range from cozy lakeside lodges to indoor water park behemoths. Hills, and as a small landscape tree that will start its with! Holiday decorating ideas, Midwest Living November/December 2020 recipes 50 feet, is... Foliage that turns bright red in fall, so is planting the right color changing tree or...., beautiful bark, and chilled weather are a few advantages to fall, but during other seasons as.! Into a small, bushy tree with excellent tolerance for wet soil, even adapting to water... 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