As always, consult an animal feed expert, veterinarian, or other qualified professional before initiating any feeding regime. “Many horse owners buy bales of alfalfa and bales of grass hay and feed several flakes of grass hay and one flake of alfalfa” as needed, says Krista Lea, MS, forage extension specialist and research analyst at UK. For instance, a horse that’s overweight and insulin resistant needs a lower-sugar hay (the alfalfa), says Martinson, but not the additional calories, “So we often end up doing a mix where those horses receive some legume and search for a low-sugar grass hay to mix with it.”. These individuals have problems processing and excreting protein and should be kept on a very low-protein diet. For information on ordering Alfalfa Hay, please contact us online. Where wet soils require alternatives, try bird’s-foot trefoil. A horse fed Alfalfa as part of its daily ration will meet its need for protein while receiving essential vitamins and minerals. A hay field is first worked with a plow and then a mulcher. After cutting the hay, gather it in a container for curing later on. The traditional recommendation on harvesting alfalfa hay is to collect once 1 in every 10 blossoms has opened. Once established, alfalfa is hardy and will grow with relative ease. If your horse doesn’t need the high nutrition value of pure alfalfa, look for a mixed grass/alfalfa hay. Introduction 2. It is highly digestible and usually contains more digestible nutrients than grass hays, such as timothy and orchardgrass. High-quality, properly fenced pastures are one of the best and least expensive sources of summer feed for a horse. Hay and Hay Quality 3. Harvesting of alfalfa hay typically occurs approximately 60 days after germination with a spring sowing. Hay moisture meters can be purchased to give you an accurate measurement. The two main types of hay for horses are grass hay and legume hay. It can survive with moderate water and sunlight, and is relatively tolerant of drought and other conditions. It typically contains more digestible energy, more crude protein and calcium, and fewer nonstructural carbohydrates (sugars and starches). A well-prepared seedbed is essential to healthy alfalfa plants. “A lot of horse owners are intimidated by alfalfa and think they shouldn’t feed it, but it is a great feed for horses,” says Martinson. This value is worrying compared to the values extracted from the hay samples studied (only 3% of these were contaminated). Pound for pound, alfalfa and clover hay have the highest energy and nutritional value of all the hay types. Under ideal conditions, as many as three harvests can be made in one season if the growing season is long enough. Endurance athletes can benefit from small amounts of alfalfa, just like any other performance horse, says Duren, but make sure it’s not their sole forage source. Whatever your alfalfa experience, we’re here to tell you everything you need to know about this forage, starting with a little bit of history, and clear up any confusion about it. “The main feed for horses of early armies in those regions was alfalfa,” he says. Fact: Grass hays can be high in potassium too. Offering alfalfa hay to these horses, especially in regions where there is an appreciable price difference in grass and alfalfa hay, would be unnecessary. I may have set a record for using the phrase, "If you can't do this or that, don't plant alfalfa," in a 600-word article. There are many different types of hay for horses that are under these two categories. Most Popular. It’s readily available and commonly fed, so it’s a logical foundation for many horses’ diets. Seeds should be sown at a depth of approximately ¼", and no deeper than ½". Alfalfa and… We know that for horses sensitive to sugar or carbohydrates (e.g., horses with insulin resistance, pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, etc. Owners might also offer the legume to horses needing to develop more muscle, particularly along the topline. Do not start in arid or excessively dry locations or conditions. Alfalfa, and clover hay for that matter, are both legumes. Plant breeding was also beginning by the 1900s, and plant scientists were able to develop alfalfa plants that were better adapted to various soils in the U.S.” Modern plant breeding has also improved this legume’s disease resistance. Fresh alfalfa hay is the best to use as a horse feed. Below are a few reasons why alfalfa is still used for horses today. Blister beetles feed on alfalfa blossoms and might swarm fields during harvest. “The biggest benefit of alfalfa for horses is that it tends to be more nutrient-dense than most grasses when harvested at the same stage of maturity,” says Martinson. Alfalfa hay, sometimes called lucerne hay, is the most popular legume hay fed to horses in the U.S., while timothy and orchard are popular grass hay choices. These horses are particularly sensitive to alfalfa’s high potassium content. Since it’s less nutrient-dense than legume hay, horses have to eat more grass hay to fill their bellies, which makes grass hay a good tool for keeping a stall-bound horse from getting bored. “If you always check the hay as you feed it, you can discard those bales or flakes that contain beetles,” says Smith. Provide it with long-stem hay or straw bedding to chew to keep it … Harvesting Guide However, this can be somewhat difficult to assess. Years following drought typically see more blister beetles, as do central states such as Kansas and Oklahoma. Common grass hay includes orchard grass, timothy and coastal Bermuda, less common are bromegrass and fescue. Alfalfa Hay for Horses. “When alfalfa was first brought to the eastern part of the U.S. in the 1700s from Europe, it didn’t survive well—partly because of wetter soils and lower pH,” says Smith. Alfalfa is also affordable in most areas. “Use of alfalfa grew rapidly in the western U.S. as people realized it fit well with that climate” and less-acidic soil types, says Smith. “In California there are many cutting, reining, and other performance horses that eat a lot of alfalfa hay (due to its wide availability) and balancer pellets, and that’s their entire diet and they do fine.”. Horses evolved as a grazing animal, which means that they are meant to nibble on small amounts of food over the course of an entire day, and most of this food should be in the form of roughage, or hay. Alfalfa makes good hay and is long-lived with proper management. Fact: Alfalfa is no more likely to cause an allergic reaction than any other type of hay. | Photo: iStock. For larger crops, you can use a rotary disk or sickle mower instead. For small square bales, a moisture content of around 20 percent or less is fine, but for large square and round bales, the moisture content will need to be lower—as little as 15 percent. Alfalfa is a good source of nutrients for sport horses, but owners might want to avoid offering it when horses are working hard in hot weather, says Duren. “Extra protein cannot be stored in the body like extra fat or carbohydrates and must be excreted,” says Duren. This can offer some cost savings if you also have horses that do fine on the less-nutrient-dense hay. Generally, the same paddock (partitioned division of a field) should not be grazed more than four days in a row, though this can vary depending on the size of the paddock and number of animals. In some areas of the country, alfalfa is a regular part of life. Maturity, harvest conditions, soil conditions, and more can affect protein, energy, and mineral levels, says Smith. Depending on the size of your harvest, chop the grass or alfalfa about 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) from the roots. Soil can be amended with lime (limestone) if needed to raise pH. Such grains deplete the soil of its nitrogen and legume hays, such as alfalfa, add necessary nitrogen back to the soil. High levels of calcium, on the other hand, can interfere with the horse’s ability to mobilize bones’ calcium stores during exercise. To grow a sound skeleton, young horses first need adequate amounts of both calcium and phosphorus. Producing blossoms is very energy intensive, and waiting too long can result in excessive energy needlessly going into this process from the plant. “Horses ingesting this mold may experience excessive ­sunburn—which seriously affects unpigmented areas of their bodies,” she says. Poisonous weeds that sometimes grow in alfalfa fields include ragwort, groundsels, Johnson grass, Sudangrass, water hemlock, and hoary alyssum. “Horses ingesting this mold may experience excessive ­sunburn—which seriously affects unpigmented areas of their bodies,” she says. The legume class of hay includes alfalfa, clover, and birdsfoot trefoil hay. Merely sprinkle the seeds evenly onto the soil and cover lightly with dirt. Not all alfalfa hay is really high in potassium, but you have to test it to find out. Legume hays for horses - alfalfa and clover. Alfalfa Hay. Calcium is another important nutrient for bone development. How much do you really know about this leafy green legume? The first step will be to test the pH of the soil with a tester, available at a farm or home & garden store. “I have three horses with three different nutrient requirements, so if I have different kinds of hay I can mix them appropriately for each horse—to get the right balance for what they need,” she says. If growing for hay, sow seeds 4-6" apart and thin to 6-12", depending on rate of growth and other factors. She says alfalfa is ideal for horses on high planes of nutrition, such as lactating broodmares, growing horses, thin horses, racehorses, performance horses, or young foals that aren’t getting enough milk. Ideally, the soil should have a pH between 6.5 to 7.0. “Owners just need to manage the diet carefully … and make transitions to and from alfalfa slowly.”. Pests Like most seeds, they require warmth and plenty of water to germinate. Alfalfa is an important component of an active horse’s diet. Copyright © 2020 Thorne Bottom Farm, LLC - All rights reserved. Provide your horse with hay or straw to prevent wood chewing. Stephen Duren, PhD, equine nutritionist and founder of Performance Horse Nutrition, in Weiser, Idaho, says this is because alfalfa provides amino acids needed for muscle regeneration. By contrast, when settlers brought alfalfa west in the 1800s during the California Gold Rush to grow livestock feed, it did quite well. Other horses that do best with limited alfalfa are horses with the genetic muscle disease hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP). In other areas, it is a delicacy of sorts, shipped in from different regions and bought a bale at a time on a vet’s recommendation to help certain horses that need nutritional support. When purchasing hay, examine a few bales to see if the alfalfa has blooms. Alfalfa is also a popular horse hay since it is widely available. , because the extra calcium acts as a buffer against stomach acid. Molds growing in the bales can cause respiratory tract symptoms, but the same molds can--and do--grow in any type of hay. This can offer some cost savings if you also have horses that do fine on the less-nutrient-dense hay. Because it’s so nutrient-dense, it is a good feed for underweight horses. Additionally, it supplies more nutrients than most nonworking horses need, leading to obesity and its associated issues. caused by black blotch disease, says Martinson. To successfully grow alfalfa, you need to commit to a regular scouting program. Beetles killed by the haying equipment can end up in the hay. Adult blister beetles emerge in June (sometimes a little earlier or later depending on the region and climate) to feed on alfalfa blooms. “The beetles will be very concentrated; if you find one or two you will usually find many.” He adds that 99% of bloomed hay won’t have beetles in it. Ammonia is heavier than air and concentrated near ground level.”. This is a mold that causes black blotches on the undersides of the leaves of legumes, including alfalfa. To steer clear of these, buy hay from a reputable person or company that knows how to grow alfalfa weed-free. So feed overweight horses or easy keepers just as you would the sugar- or carb-sensitive ones—offer them a mature grass hay with lower caloric content over a rich legume. The simple act of chewing creates more saliva, which also helps buffer stomach acid, says Lea. Dairy cows in particular have much to benefit from the high rate of protein contained in Alfalfa, sometimes exceeding 25% of mass. It is used for grazing, hay, and silage, as well as a green manure and cover crop.The name alfalfa is used in North America. SAVING SEEDS, Become an Affiliate| Private Label Seeds | Contact Us. value.Well-preserved alfalfa hay should be the foundation of a feeding program for young growing horses, recreational horses, and active horses.This publica-tion describes the horse’s digestive system and nutritional needs and how to select alfalfa hay. What Hay Growers Should Know 4. A horse eating more protein than the body can use will also drink more water (to help flush out the additional waste products). A well-kept pasture also is the most natural and healthy environment for exercise and rest. that sometimes grow in alfalfa fields include ragwort, groundsels, Johnson grass, Sudangrass, water hemlock, and hoary alyssum. In comparison, alfalfa hay generally has a ratio of 15 parts calcium to 1 part phosphorus. Protein metabolism creates more heat than fat or carbohydrate metabolism. “Alfalfa producers who market hay for horses are aware of the issue of blister beetles,” he says. “This is especially true with foals, since they are smaller and spend more time lying down. Even after you’ve selected good hay, it pays to check it for dust, mold, weeds, foreign objects, blister beetles, and dead animals as you feed it. Some horses with unpigmented skin should not eat alfalfa because they could be prone to. Productive, well-managed pastures can provide most of the feed requirements of horses for the least cost. “Alfalfa is a perennial legume, grown in most regions of the U.S. for horses and other livestock,” says Krishona Martinson, PhD, associate professor and equine extension specialist in the University of Minnesota’s Department of Animal Science, in Falcon Heights. The more serious issue with these horses, however, is the liver damage from the toxins in the mold. This should be done 6 months or more prior to the expected planting date to ensure that added amendments have significant time to react with soil. For that purpose, please find our contact info in the legal notice. Of the horse feed containing alfalfa, 100% of the samples were contaminated with the alkaloid pyrrolizidine, which is poisonous to the liver of horses. “The first (and sometimes second) cutting of alfalfa almost never contains blister beetles because it is generally cut and baled ahead of when the adult beetles emerge.”. Putting Weight on a Skinny Horse … “The biggest risk might be when someone buys hay from their neighbor who has just started in the hay business (or horse owners put up hay themselves) without looking in the fields at harvest time. “Alfalfa producers who market hay for horses are aware of the issue of blister beetles,” he says. due to the lower amount of nonstructural carbohydrates,” says Martinson. Your feed salesman, veterinarian, and nutritionist can help you put together a balanced ration and recommend for or against feeding this forage. The ideal calcium to phosphorus ratio for a young horse is between 1.5 to 2 parts calcium to 1 part phosphorus. When feeding alfalfa, there is a difference between alfalfa cubes, bales and pellets. Poor quality alfalfa may be used for pellets and any pelleting will destroy much of the whole food value of alfalfa while maintaining the high protein levels. This can cause horses to become bored and lead to increased wood chewing. The fibre in alfalfa gives your horse slow release energy which … Alfalfa stands can be depleted unless rotational grazing is practiced. Myth: Alfalfa cannot be fed to HYPP horses because of the high potassium. Calculating Selenium Levels in Horse Feeds and Supplements. If used to appropriately balance a diet, it can be useful in alfalfa. Hay must be dried in the field after cutting to avoid mold growth. These flying insects—dead or alive—contain the toxin cantharidin, which can kill a horse if consumed in large amounts. While feeding extra protein is wasteful, a high-protein diet in itself does not hurt a healthy horse. Next, the young horse requires calcium and phosphorus in the correct ratio to one another. , growing horses, thin horses, racehorses, performance horses, or young foals that aren’t getting enough milk. “With growing horses, however, use caution in amount fed, simply so they don’t grow too quickly or get too big too fast and become at risk for DOD (developmental orthopedic disease),” Martinson says. Horse hay comes in two forms: grass and legumes. Try keeping the hay or pasture mixture about 50-50 grass and legume to avoid feeding too much straight legume to horses. Also well-suited to younger animals or those with greater protein needs. You might offer performance horses alfalfa an hour or two before work or competition, during which acid can splash up into the nonglandular part of the stomach (where the cells of the lining do not produce protective mucus). That is a topic for a whole article. These legumes make a good feed choice for growing foals, pregnant and lactating mares, as they have higher nutritional needs during this period in their lives. Other horses that do best with limited alfalfa are horses with the genetic muscle disease. What the Horse Owner Needs to Know 5. “It can also be beneficial to horses with muscle problems that are prone to ­tying-up (due to their increased protein needs) or horses with. Fat or carbohydrates ( sugars and starches ) stems and bright green in color contact us online 3! Saliva, which also helps buffer stomach acid when looking for good-quality alfalfa, has... 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