For hundreds of thousands of educators, Jim bridged the long-standing divide between staff room and classroom offering up a much a more collaborative, respectful, and efficient PD model for achieving instructional excellence. Impact Factor: 8.247 ℹ Impact Factor: 2019: 8.247 The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. The complete process of LCA includes goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment, and interpretation. ", “There is no one more passionate about improving every student’s learning experience than Jim Knight and in The Impact Cycle Jim has done it again with another well researched and immensely practical book. Aimed at life cycle assessment practitioners and method developers, it identifies the “current best available practice” in a variety of areas. LEARN: Coach shares a checklist for the chosen teaching strategies. They include sedimentation, pollution, climate change, deforestation, landscape changes, and urban growth. • Life cycle assessment and management of resources, materials and products to improve resource efficiency and productivity, conserve resources and reduce pollution. In LCIA there are numerous impact categories including depletion of abiotic resources, climate change, human toxicity, acidification, eutrophication, ecotoxicity, photo-oxidant formation, stratospheric ozone depletion, land use, water depletion, depletion of minerals and use of fossil fuels. The Instructional Coaches’ Toolkit, alone, is worth the cost of the book The range in human activities that affect the interaction of ground water and surface water is broad. I have had the opportunity to see how Knight’s model works first-hand and can attest to its effectiveness. Our water resources face a host of serious threats, all of which are caused primarily by human activity. Notes and activities for the impact of a business cycle. ", "Continuous improvement is fueled by a focus on improving the quality of teaching and learning. Life Cycle Impact Assessment methods; DRAFT for TAB (status: May 2, 2016) Resources, water, land S Sala, L Benini, V Castellani, B Vidal-Legaz, R Pant Index 1 Introduction for all impact1.1 Update criteria for all impact… Impact of human activity. Quintessential Jim, The Impact Cycle comes loaded with every possible tool to help you reach your coaching goals, starting with a comprehensive video program, robust checklists, and a model Instructional Playbook. —MICHAEL BUNGAY STANIER, Author of The Coaching Habit ", "In this very helpful book, Jim Knight builds on knowledge gained from over two decades of assisting coaches to inspire and guide teachers to improve their instruction. Technologies in use include dry steam power stations, flash steam power stations and binary cycle power stations. Here you will find valuable resources related to Visible Learning including webinars with Professor John Hattie, publications, stories of impact, tools you can use in your schools, and more. Water and the Environment, p. 38-39. Consequently, a variety of life cycle impact assessment methods based on different concepts are available. This may be a unit of material (e.g. Inspiring Impact supports people who work and volunteer for charities, funders, and social enterprises across the UK. Questions to Identify a PEERS Goal, upgrade your version of Internet Explorer, US (and territories)please call 800-818-7243, Europe (and territories) please call +44(0)207 324 8500. It was supported by the service An LCIA helps interpret emissions and resource consumption data that are associated with a product's life cycle in terms of environmental burdens, human health, and resources. Ltd., 2006) as shown in Figure 1.1. It explains the expansion and contraction in economic activity that an economy experiences over Impact Cycle IDENTIFY: Teacher gets a clear picture of current reality by watching a video of their lesson or by reviewing observation data (video is best). Read The Impact Cycle, build upon your expertise with this companion Reflection Guide, and soon enough you, too, will experience the next “Jim Knight phenomenon.” EARLY ACCOLADES “Coaching done well may be the most effective intervention designed for human performance. Material adapted from: Vandas, S.J., Winter, T.C., and Battaglin, W.A. Interact and dialogue with teachers as partners. This IDENTIFY: GETTING A CLEAR PICTURE OF REALITY, Getting a Clear Picture of Current Reality, Using Video to Get a Clear Picture of Reality, CHAPTER 3. The main components of a life cycle analys… Mitigating strategies - Potato chips Impact Strategy Further work needed Farm chemicals 1. 2 . Arrangement “Life Cycle Indicators for the Data Centres on Resources, Products and Waste” (No 71401.2007.011- 2007.749/JRC ref No 30789-2007-12 NFP ISP). And he never loses the bigger picture: the point of all this is to have more impact in this life we're lucky enough to live. Fossil fuels. Many products are recycled to lessen environmental impact. The Earth is our only source of resources, and these are limited. Modern metal extraction can reduce the impact on the environment. resources. Jim writes, “When we grow, improve, and learn, when we strive to become a better version of ourselves, we tap into something deep in ourselves that craves that kind of growth.” Read The Impact Cycle and soon you’ll discover how you can continually refine your practice to help teachers and students realize their fullest potential. The Global Guidance for Life Cycle Impact Assessment Indicators 2 is continuation of a series of reports addressing these issues. WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - The Hydrological Cycle and Human Impact on it - Lev S. Kuchment Horizontal convergence may also occur as western and eastern sides … Impact Assessment of the Life Cycle of Bamboo Scrimber Flooring According to the environmental load single scores for bamboo scrimber flooring, it was concluded that during the stages of production, the largest proportion of environmental loads come from bamboo panel processing, accounting for 56.9%, followed by bamboo strip manufacturing (26.6%), and final product manufacturing (14.4%). Based on the review and … QUESTIONS TO IDENTIFY A PEERS GOAL, Strategies for Assessing Student Attitude, Dr. Stephen Barkley, Executive Vice President, Program Development at Research for Better Teaching in Action, Dr. Atul Gawande, surgeon, public health researcher, and author of The Checklist Manifesto, Dr. Megan Tschannen-Moran, Professor of Educational Leadership, College of William and Mary, School of Education, Educational Admin Dept, West Texas A&m University, School Safety, Student Discipline, & Bullying Prevention, Explore how the instructional coaching cycle from Jim Knight, author of The Impact Cycle, can help teachers and students improve in measurable ways. ", "The Impact Cycle is an essential read for instructional coaches. Impact of Economic Phases When the economy is in expansion, businesses generate profits, which leads to hiring more employees, and more disposable income and spending. Resources. Bangladesh is facing the threat of global warming and sea level rise. This guidance document provides recommendations on the methods to apply for modelling of the most common impact categories, linking emissions and resources consumed over the life cycle to the impact indicators. His well is deep, and he draws from it the best tools from practitioners, the wisdom of experience, and research-based insights. ", "Once again, Jim Knight has earned his reputation as the reigning expert in instructional coaching. Each stage of the human resources life cycle has its own challenges, opportunities, and benefits. If an employee's skills aren't improving, you will want to address the Evaluation stage. Life cycle assessments can evaluate the environmental impact of a product. to press together. Water supply issues: the role of population growth in water supply problems, the ways humans negatively impact the water cycle, public health concerns on fresh drinking water, and clean water shortage. The diverse properties of rare earth elements have seen broad and growing applications in clean energy technologies, hybrid vehicles, pollution control, optics, refrigeration, and so on. Whales and other large marine vertebrates could effectively function as carbon credits. The movement of water in the hydrological cycle extends through the four parts of the total Earth system— atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere—and strongly depends on the The Impact Cycle: What Instructional Coaches Should Do to Foster Powerful Improvements in Teaching. Geothermal power is power generated by geothermal energy. Packed with insight, concrete examples, and practical tools, The Impact Cycle is an indispensable guide for coaches who want to make the biggest possible difference for students. Life cycle tools typically take two forms: They examine the financial life-cost of a material or system or appraise the environmental impact of a material or system. The impact categories discussed in the previous sections can all be included in the LCIA stage of an LCA study. The sources of pollution that impact our water resources can develop at different scales (local, regional and global) but can generally be categorized (Table 4.5) according to nine types. Any economy that relies on natural resources will naturally be challenged by large movements in their prices. Like many other areas of life and business, human resources has a unique life cycle. Contact Us. The Impact Cycle is rich with ideas, concepts, and tips and can serve as one of the most important “go-to” resources of instructional partners and coaches. Quickly, you’ll learn how to. Including these impacts will help reflect the overall environmental impact of a product along its life cycle, including raw material extraction, production, manufacture, transport, use, and end-of-life disposal. When it comes to improving practice, few professional texts can rival the impact felt by Jim Knight’s Instructional Coaching. And producers will ride the price cycle all over again. To better understand this process, researchers from the University of Maine, Gulf of Maine Research Institute and the University of British Columbia conducted a study, “The Impact of Whaling on the Ocean Carbon Cycle: Why Bigger Was Better.” Change location, What Instructional Coaches Should Do to Foster Powerful Improvements in Teaching, CHAPTER 2. Please include your name, contact information, and the name of the title for which you would like more information. Jim Knight’s work has helped me understand the details of how effective coaching can and should be done. Mentoring, Coaching, and Collaboration: : Special Edition for Laureate Education, Inc. This involves changing the stored gravitational energy of water held behind the dam into electrical energy that can be used. Hello, would you like to continue browsing the SAGE website? Published by the American Geosciences Institute Environmental Awareness Series. There are some great features here - the visual maps that introduce each chapter, the numerous checklists and templates, links to the Companion Website, helpful chapter summaries and great recommended resources in the Going Deeper sections. Land uses that impact water resources include agriculture, forestry, urbanization, recreation, and industrialization. Each typ… To ensure full site functionality, please use an alternative web browser or upgrade your version of Internet Explorer. Even in our modern world, the numbers are startling. This book shares a clear vision for powerful instructional coaching along with the specific steps to make that vision a reality. Suitable for Unit 1 of new Edexcel course With his trademark clarity and heart, Knight manages to capture both the simplicity and complexity of coaching in an accessible, detailed, and nuanced framework for instructional coaches. The coastal belt of Bangladesh is under a polder system. Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas: Impacts from the Hydraulic Fracturing Water Cycle on Drinking Water Resources in the United States. In all these life cycle stages, the actions are connected to consequences, e.g. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is an analytical tool used to comprehensively quantify and interpret the energy and material flow to and from the environment over the life cycle of a product, process, or service. Ltd. It is filled with stories from the field, allowing the reader to walk in the shoes of other coaches. Instructional coaches will be an even better resource for the teachers with whom they work as a result of reading and using this book.”. Quickly, you’ll learn how to. In the end, all coaching is about creating meaning and supporting teachers to reach their goals, this book supports coaches to do just that. "The Impact Cycle is an essential read for instructional coaches. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a method for calculating the environmental impact of a product or service. Identify: Getting a Clear Picture of Reality, Chapter 3. Notes and activities for the impact of a business cycle. Human impact may be direct or indirect, and may take place at several different spatial and temporal scales. Share. Following his own advice to "stay curious", Jim continues to expand upon his coaching model to explicate new dimensions of the coaching relationship. As the population keeps growing, recycling becomes more important. Password Reset - We have updated our systems. ", "Coaching done well may be the most effective intervention designed for human performance. Identify: Getting a Clear Picture of Reality; Chapter 3. Proper water resources management is must in this problematic area. This is a book which will be referred to often. Knight's The Impact Cycle is essential reading for educators who are committed to real and lasting change. (Photo: Public It is filled with stories from the field, allowing the reader to walk in the shoes of other coaches. Identify . Environmental flows include emissions to air, water, and land, as well as the consumption of energy and material resources. Questions to Identify a PEERS Goal; Chapter 4. His well is deep; he draws from it the best tools from practitioners, the wisdom of experience, and research-based insights. Now, one decade of research and hundreds of in-services later, Jim takes that work a significant step further with The Impact Cycle: an all-new instructional coaching cycle to help teachers and, in turn, their students improve in clear, measurable ways. The Impact Cycle is rich with ideas, concepts, and tips and can serve as one of the most important “go-to” resources of instructional partners and coaches. Learn . A business cycle is a cycle of fluctuations in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) around its long-term natural growth rate. When humans hunt and fish, they tend to favor animals that provide significant resources. Most of New Zealand’s electricity is generated using hydro dams. Yet it is flexible enough to use in a variety of ways. Improve … It is organized to take the reader through each stage of an impact cycle, providing a vision for how to coach for a deeper impact. While this is a non-polluting renewable way to generate electricity, it does have environmental impacts – especially when mismanaged.Rivers must be dammed, which can affect the function of the river both upstream and downstream – lakes are us… Greening The Economy Through Life Cycle Thinking (2012, English, 60 pages) This report provides an overview of the state of life cycle approaches and describes the work the Initiative has done to advance the topic. . Environmental Footprint - Update of Life Cycle Impact Assessment methods; DRAFT for TAB (status: May 2, 2016) Resources, water, land S Sala, L Benini, V Castellani, B Vidal- The Reflection Guide to Better Conversations, CCPA – Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Interact and dialogue with teachers as partners, Guide teachers to identify emotionally compelling, measurable, and student-focused goals, Set coaching goals, plan strategies, and monitor progress for optimal impact, Use documentary-style video and text-based case studies as models to promote maximum teacher clarity and proactive problem solving, Streamline teacher enrollment, data collection, and deep listening. Resources are consumed and impacts to the environment are created within the life cycle of every product. Water is essential for life and humans need more and more water, while at the same their action is compromising the The basis for calculation is the so-called ‘functional unit’. The economic cycle is a trend of upward and downward movements of GDP that ultimately determines the overall long-term growth of an economy. impact: [verb] to fix firmly by or as if by packing or wedging. Improve © 2020 SAGE Publications SAGE Publications India Pvt. Coach asks the identify questions with the teacher to identify a goal. Toggle nav . Life cycle assessments measure the environmental impact of a product over its entire life. Life cycle assessments can evaluate the environmental impact of a product. Learn; Chapter 5. The Impact Cycle provides educators with the strategies and the tools necessary to make that improvement a reality. However, instead of focusing on the biological aspects of development, the HR life cycle involves the stages employees go through and the role HR takes on during those stages. "The Impact Cycle is an essential read for instructional coaches. A good background on Life Cycle Thinking, in general. EPA's Study of Hydraulic Fracturing for Oil and Gas and Its Potential Impact on Drinking Water Resources. . In the oceans, whales, sharks and other large vertebrates have been targeted for centuries, and while the international ban on whaling has helped some species recover in select areas, many populations have fallen to a fraction of their natural levels. As you might imagine, this particular model differs from Diane Sweeney’s student-centered coaching. . … The rock cycle. It is filled with stories from the field “Ecological footprint” is defined as the measure of human demand on nature and compares human consumption of natural resources with earth’s ecological capacity to regenerate them. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25:784–797. WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT - The Hydrological Cycle and Human Impact on it - Lev S. Kuchment Earth (a river or lake basin, a continent, or the entire Earth). For instance, if your small business is experiencing excessive employee turnover, it's likely that the Motivation stage of the HR life cycle needs attention. Checklist: Introducing the Learning Map and Guiding Questions, Checklist: Daily Use of the Learning Map and Guiding Questions, Checklist: End-of-Unit Review With Learning Map and Guiding Questions, Checklist: Revisiting and Refining the Assessments, Checklist: Creating a Safe Environment for Classroom Discussion, Checklist: Using Questions Effectively With Students, Checklist: Labovitch’s Three-Fold Method of Analysis, Checklist: Cooperative Learning Success Factors, Checklist: Creating Learner-Friendly Cultures, Checklist: Creating and Teaching Expectations, Strategies for Assessing Student Attitude. "Jim Knight is one of the wise men of coaching. Together with life cycle thinking, circular economy emphasizes the sustainable use of resources by reducing, reusing and recycling materials and energy as much as possible (Yuan et al. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a multi-step procedure for calculating the lifetime environmental impact of a product or service. For information on the HEOA, please go to How the Visible Learning Strands Power Successful School Change. 2006). The emphasis on effective partnerships with shared responsibility and ownership combined with a goal-oriented coaching cycle results in lasting and meaningful changes for teachers and students. Identification of source types and level of By quantifying these environmental impacts throughout the product life cycle, LCA provides a comprehensive environmental profile of the product and a more accurate picture of the true … Take your organization to the next level with tools and resources that help you work smarter, regardless of your business’s size and goals. Checklist: Listening and Questioning Effectively. Recycling helps to conserve energy and resources. This impact is severe in the coastal region. the materials used must be supplied from somewhere, with some energy demand and release of emissions. It, in turn, leads to more profits for businesses, and it continues in a virtuous cycle. Student- focused goals will be a game changer in many coaching initiatives and guarantee that coach and teacher investment in teacher learning is impacting student learning. impact on amount of additional cycling among those who take advantage of the scheme and that just five per cent of participants, 9,200 people, cycle for 30 minutes more a working day as a result of their involvement in the scheme, then we estimate that the Notes and activities for the impact of a business cycle. 2002. availability of resources and expertise etc. Assessing impacts of abiotic resource use has been a topic of persistent debate among life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) method developers and a source of confusion for life cycle assessment (LCA) practitioners considering the different interpretations of the safeguard subject for mineral resources and the resulting variety of LCIA methods to choose from. Many of the resources included in the Toolkit can be found on Knight’s Instructional coaching website. Geothermal electricity generation is currently used in 26 countries,[1][2] while geothermal heating is in use in 70 countries. The impact of humans on water resources is the subject of a vivid debate within the scientific community. Click here to download the full handbook. A life-cycle cost analysis evaluates the cost to produce a material products, natural resources, and waste management and their implementation, such as eco-labelling, eco-design, and green procurement. Higher GDP usually correlates with more well-off citizens. NATURAL DISASTERS IMPACT ON THE WATER CYCLE, RESOURCES, QUALITY AND HUMAN HEALTH N.N. It is organized to take the reader through each stage of an impact cycle, providing a vision for how to coach for a deeper impact. Teacher identifies a student-focused goal. Terms of Service • Copyright Notice • Privacy PolicyPrivacy Policy. Literacy deeply and persistently impacts access to education, economic development, and life outcomes. Agriculture, the clearing of forests, and the draining of wetlands have caused significant modifications to the surface of the Earth. Life cycle thinking and circular economy are presented in Sect. Download guide. One of the most serious threats to water resources is the degradation of ecosystems, which often takes place through changes to landscapes such as the clearance of forests, the conversion of natural landscapes to farmland, the growth of cities, the building of roads, and surface mining. Fundamentally, social impact should be driven and managed throughout a program's life cycle based on a well-defined theory of change or logic model. Notes and activities for the impact of a business cycle. needed manufacturing the … Conversational and informative, this book will be a useful resource for any coach working in the field. Sonderegger T, Dewulf J, Fantke P, de Souza D M, Pfister S, Stoessel F, Verones F, Vieira M, Weidema B P, Hellweg S – 2017 Towards harmonizing natural resources as an area of protection in life cycle impact assessment. You are using a browser version that is no longer supported by this website and could result in a less-than-optimal experience. Actions can be taken every day to reduce your ecological footprint or the mark you leave on your natural environmental and its resources. The European Platform on LCA therefore provides guidance and data to facilitate LCIA. I’ve learned as a participant in his workshops, reading his books, and being on panels with him. The textbook has real applications that will aid you in providing students material for daily school leading. It is organized to take the reader through each stage of an impact cycle, providing a vision for how to coach for a deeper impact. Agriculture, the clearing of forests, … The Impact Cycle consists of the steps of Identify, Learn, and Improve. Jim’s vision of the coach as a partner who sets goals with the teacher, strategizes with and supports the teacher, and monitors changes with the teacher until the goal is met will assist many instructional coaches in targeting their efforts. Which quantitative and life cycle-based indicators are best suited to quantify and monitor man-made impacts on climate change, biodiversity, water resources, and other aspects of the biophysical environment? Tools like Clear Impact require you to define your own custom metrics and do Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) is vital phase of any LCA. Millions — around the world and in our own country — remain functionally illiterate, reading below the basic level. Land uses that impact water resources include agriculture, forestry, urbanization, recreation, and industrialization. Assessing human impact first of all requires an awareness of the most frequent drivers. Suitable for Unit 1 of new Edexcel course. You are in: North America Read The Impact Cycle, build upon your expertise with this companion Reflection Guide, and soon enough you, too, will experience the next “Jim Knight phenomenon.” EARLY ACCOLADES “Coaching done well may be the most effective intervention designed for human performance. Chapter 2. Towards a Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (2011, English, 86 pages) It will help to number the impacts in your life cycle matrix - see example. . Welcome! Human impact on freshwater resources may take place by conditioning their quantitative availability and/or their quality. . The Impact Cycle: What Instructional Coaches Should Do to Foster Powerful Improvements in Teaching, Chapter 2. LCA is a tool for identifying the impacts of a product on the environment throughout its entire life cycle or, in other words, from cradle-to-grave, including the extraction of raw materials; the processing of raw materials in order to fabricate a product; the transportation and distribution of the product to the consumer; the use of the product by the consumer; and finally the disposal of the product's materials after its use (TecEco Pty. These shocks are more than just swings in national income; they also force businesses to make decisions about the way resources such as capital and labour are allocated. View Jim Knight’s Impact Cycle video trailer: Should you need additional information or have questions regarding the HEOA information provided for this title, including what is new to this edition, please email We provide free online resources and peer learning networks so you can plan, understand, and improve your Self-pay patients typically include the medically indigent patient population (i.e., the uninsured of-network. Suitable for Unit 1 of new Edexcel course This website and its content is subject to our Terms and … Now, The Impact Cycle adds to my skills and insights. If you are an exisitng user and have not reset your password since Dec 19, please reset your password now or create an account to access restricted resources. ", "I have had many opportunities to learn with and from Jim Knight. The safeguard subject of the Area of Protection “natural Resources,” particularly regarding mineral resources, has long been debated. New technologies in petroleum exploration and extraction – most notably the process of hydraulic fracturing (aka “fracking”) – have unlocked unconventional oil and gas stored in impermeable shale-rock formations deep underground, making previously inaccessible deposits easier to re… by Jim Knight. Quintessential Jim, The Impact Cycle comes loaded with every possible tool to help you reach your coaching goals, starting with a comprehensive video program, robust checklists, and a model Instructional Playbook. The United States is home to vast quantities of shale-oil and shale-gas, with estimates of natural gas reserves among the largest known in the world. Ve learned as a participant in his workshops, reading his books, and research-based insights goal ; Chapter.! Include emissions to air, water, and these are limited needed Farm chemicals 1 measures the aggregate of... … Inspiring impact supports people who work and volunteer for charities, funders, industrialization! 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